Love and live download
Love and live download

love and live download

After you clicked "Convert File, it will take you into a new page. This is optional though, so if you're not sure what it is, just click "Convert File".ġ0. After that, there is an optional settings for if you want to change the audio bitrate of your song, the sampling rate, etc etc. Copy the url of the Black Screen from earlier and paste it into the box below the sign that says: "Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to MP3"ĩ.

love and live download

If you opened that link from before, it will take you to a website like this at the top of it's page: Ĩ. ogg file type, press Ctrl + S to save the file.Ģ.If you want to download it in the form of MP3, open a new tab on your browser and go to this link first: ħ. If you want to download the music in the form of. Here's the screenshot of how it looked like: ġ. Click download file and it will take you to a black screen with nothing but the audio bar from before in the middle. Scroll your mouse towards it and a box will pop out, like this: ĥ. As you can see in the picture, there is a link below the audio bar written "More.". After you clicked it, an audio bar like this: will appear.Ĥ. Click the box that has a Muse sign in it.ģ. After you entered your chosen song's page, scroll down to the "Audio" section, where the song is located.

love and live download

Each song title will have a link to their own page, click it.Ģ. Choose the song you wish to download from this wikia's list of songs in this page: !. If you wish to download it from the wikia, here's 10 steps to do it:ġ.

Love and live download