Fallout shelter room layout
Fallout shelter room layout

fallout shelter room layout

I then have my radio rooms (just use them the odd time for objectives) and barbershops (they have to be 2-wide). As you can see my top 2-wides are all my stimpack production. If you want an example, here's my final vault layout. Tier 2 rooms (nuclear reactor, water purification, garden) are a straight upgrade to tier 1 rooms (power generator, water treatment, diner), while the Nuka-Cola bottler is the exact equivalent of a garden and water purification in one (yes you can live entirely off of Nuka-Cola). You need living quarters of course, and you'll probably want a lot of storage (more or less depending on how much junk you want to hold at once). They can be useful for helping to grind some objectives though.

fallout shelter room layout fallout shelter room layout

Radio rooms can be pretty useless as well concerning their main functions, which are attracting new dwellers (they're okay) and raising happiness (they're terrible at this). The need for RadAways can be eliminated (always have enough water in the vault and have all explorers with 11 endurance or more for radiation immunity) which would make science labs useless. If you don't care about customizing dwellers barbershops will be useless to you. You probably won't be doing much if any crafting early on, but it's probably the best thing late game. Weapon and outfit workshops are very useful, especially late game, as they let you craft tonnes of the best legendary gear. For stimpack and RadAway storage width doesn't matter as it's always 10 more per cell, regardless of how they're connected.Īs for useless rooms, there are a couple, but it depends entirely on your vault. The only rooms that aren't are the medbays and science labs, which are most efficient (production wise) as 2-wide. Resource rooms, storage rooms, training rooms, living quarters, all of them.

Fallout shelter room layout